Welcome to PayMe.Limo

Our Service

We are a Merchant Services Payment Facilitator (aka “PayFac”) platform providing credit card acceptance services exclusively for limousine transportation companies, without them having to be PCI Certified, or charged any monthly fees, monthly minimums, or termination fees. A key benefit of operating under a PayFac business model is that it allows PayMe.Limo to offer limo companies a fixed discount rate percentage and a per item fee per each transaction versus having a variable Interchange costs. Meaning, our limo company clients can accurately calculate and control their expenses based on monthly volumes.

Our Platform Features

Secure Login

Our Merchant Portal uses SSL to secure login credentials ensuring that sensitive data is kept safe.


Limo companies have the convenience of sending a payment link via email to their clients to pay for upcoming transportation services.


Limo companies have the convenience of sending a payment link via text messaging to their clients to pay for upcoming transportation services.

Split Funding

With the limousine industry being an affiliate driven business model, whereby limousine companies refer each other business on a regular basis and then share in the transportation revenues - split funding allows either a referring limo company and/or a ride fulfillment company to authorize a credit card transaction and get paid simultaneously.

Traditionally, when any merchant applies to accept credit cards, a card payments entity will establish a solo merchant account and issue them a Merchant ID. When a merchant processes their credit card transactions, all funds minus the processing fees are deposited into a Merchant’s single bank account.

Split Funding allows 2 parties (e.g., a referring limo company and a fulfillment limo company) to have their credit card transactions processed and deposited into two bank accounts simultaneously. Split Funding is ideal for affiliate referral type merchants, such as with limousine companies, who are involved in collaborative bookings.

Mobile Phone Contactless Payments (aka “Tap & Go” or “Tap to Pay”)

Limo companies can conduct face-to-face payments on the fly when completing transportation services by instructing their clients to tap their cards against a chauffeur’s mobile phone to completes a sale.

Surcharging Capability

Limo companies have the ability to pass-along a credit card surcharge fee to a client’s bill when he or she uses a credit card for payment.

Quick Response Code (aka QR Code) Capability For Fast, Contactless Payments

Our QR code technology gives our limo company customers a frictionless, touchless payment option for enhanced client satisfaction and increased sales. QR Code Payment Benefits includes:

Faster Payments
Contactless payments on average are at least two times faster than normal payments. With transactions taking place at a faster rate, our limo company customers can increase your client satisfaction while improving cash flow.

Enhanced Data Accuracy
Since QR code technology is capable of storing large volumes of data that can be passed on to pre-filled payment sites, the risk of inaccurate data input — and the resulting delays — is significantly reduced.

High-Level Security
Your clients payment information is entered into a secure online payment form where it is converted into secure token form before it’s submitted for processing.

Boosted Sales
When there is choice, a client will likely choose the brand that delivers fast, secure transactions over one that is slow and arduous. Delivering a frictionless checkout experience will help you boost sales and your reputation.

Direct Sales or Pre-Authorization Flexibility

Limo Companies conducting a credit card sale can either run the Direct Sale or a Pre-Authorization. A Direct Sale is a credit card transaction that has been authorized by a cardholders bank and it is immediately flagged for settlement. Transactions on any given day must be “batched out” by 7pm Eastern Standard Time Monday through Friday, or settlements will push to the next business day. A Pre-Authorization (also “Pre-Auth” or “Authorization Hold”) is a temporary hold on a customer's credit card that has not been flagged for settlement, which typically lasts around 5 days, or until the post-authorization (or “settlement”) comes through, which is initiated by a Capture input to mark an authorization for settlement.

Flexible Transaction Monitoring

View, search, process, refund, and print transactions – all in one place. Our transactions tab automatically displays today’s transactions with a drop-down menu to select transactions for different time frames or specific dates. With our upgraded filter options, you’ll be able to enter a wide variety of data points to easily narrow down your search.

Program Terms

PayMe.Limo provides the utmost best payment processing terms over all competing providers. For example:

  • No Monthly Fees
  • No Monthly Minimums
  • No Account Termination Fees
  • No PCI Certification Requirements or Fees (since all transaction run through our platform)
  • All you pay for is a fixed discount rate percentage and a per item fee per each transaction.

Ready to talk?

Contact Us
PayMe.Limo is a division of Earth Payment Solutions LLC
General or Sales Inquiries

(818) 572-2525 option 2

Support Inquiries

(818) 572-2525 option 1